Friday, 20 December 2013

Android Weather Apps
Forecasting weather is an important thing in everyone's life because we schedule our routine according to it and plan how to spent days. We schedule outdoor meetings, important functions and many more things according to weather.
However,now you need not to worry about weather because there are few Android apps to keep us update about weather and help us to pack our umbrellas or carry our sunglasses when we need them. 

Android Weather & Clock Widget:-

Android Weather &Widget App provides details of weather conditions for all cities around the world. This app searches your address and provides details of your area's weather like current temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, in addition of past or upcoming five-ten days weather forecast.
This app totally free and has some cool widgets with different sizes.

Android Weather & Clock Widget
Android Weather & Clock Widget

Weather Locker HD:-

Another cool weather app which provides accurate weather information along with live wallpaper, Photos, Lock Screen and Beautiful background. Weather locker HD provides weather information, including high and low temperature, current temperature and gives a new lock screen UI experience.

Weather Locker HD
Weather Locker HD

Transparent Clock & Weather:-

Transparent Clock & Weather, another Android app with digital clock totally customizable, full-featured weather forecast application and widget. Widget Comes in 3 sizes(4x1, 4x2 and 5x2) with automated GPS and detailed forecast display includes current location local time, Sunrise & Sunset time, temperature, wind and humidity information, last weather update time and so on.

Transparent Clock & Weather
Transparent Clock & Weather

The Weather Channel:-

This is my favorite app for weather forecasting, which gives a precise idea of what to expect from weather in your area. Weather channel provides information through more than 200 meteorologists and ultra-local TruPoint(sm) forecast technology. You can get weather information for a day, week or even next hour and through Hurricane Central(in map tab) you can track any tropical storm an full-blown hurricanes.

Weather Channel
Weather Channel

Animated Weather Widget, Clock:-

Animated Weather Widget, this app provides an animated daily weather forecasts in addition to this realistic video effects with current or future weather conditions over 50000 locations across the world.
Animated Weather Widget, Clock
Animated Weather Widget, Clock
Now plan your schedule do not worry about weather. These are some Android apps for weather forecasting and for services regarding Android development click here.

20 Dec 2013