Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Nova Launcher Lollipop update

Nova Launcher is one of the more popular third party Android Launchers around, and it is looking to stay on top with an update rolling out that includes a few Android Lollipop icons and animations.

The relevant Android Lollipop bits in the update include:

  1. Lollipop Circle Folder animation 
  2. Lollipop Scroll indicator 
  3. Lollipop icon theme for Calculator, Clock, Downloads, Email, Dialer, Settings and SMS.
  4. Preview of scroll effects in Settings 
  5. Optimizations and fixes
All of the new items are available options you’ll find tucked away in the Nova Launcher settings. Head to Settings -> Folder -> Transition Animation for the Folder animation, Settings ->Desktop -> Scroll Indicator for the scroll indicator, and into Settings -> Look and Feel -> Icon Theme for the Lollipop icons.

Nova Launcher Lollipop update DL2Image Source  

Source: Google Play Store 
22 Oct 2014