Monday 22 September 2014

New Windows Phone Apps

Windows phone getting more and more popularity these days. Windows Store loaded with a number of apps and in addition to them, here are more 5 brand new apps for Windows phone.So get up and go For Windows store to grab the brand-new apps.

New Windows Phone Apps:

1. Shapist:

- A puzzle game
- Perfect for gamers
- No words, No punishment. No tutorials. No time limits and no scores..just you & 65 puzzles to solve
- Download here

2. Clique:

-Clique is the premiere app
-This app designed to help you meet like-minded people and find interesting events to attend.
-Perfect for social butterflies and hobbyist
-Download here 

3. 6cret:

-Speak freely with 6cret, a client app for the popular service "Secret"!
-Send secret messages and get replies, find out what your friends are really thinking and feeling.
-Perfect for aphoristic cryptic folk
-Download here

4. App in the Air:

- A flight companion app
- This app let you track particular flight, get advice and tip from other travellers, find the best food in the airport, find way to spend free time and find the best coffee.
- Perfect for frequent flyers
- Download here

5. Office Lens

- A photo app-slash-productivity tool
- You can use Office Lens app to photograph documents and convert them to Word or Powerpoint format for editing.
- Perfect for mobile workers
- Download here

So which application found useful for you, let me know in comments.