If you are bored with your website look, then it's time to enhance website with the latest tools available. In this article, I have filtered some useful tools to enhance your website and take it to the next level.
1. Topcoat
Download/Demo: http://topcoat.io/
2. Countable.js
Download/Demo: http://radlikewhoa.github.io/Countable/
3. iCheck
Download/Demo: http://fronteed.com/iCheck/
4. CSS only responsive navigation
Download/Demo: valdelama.com/css-responsive-navigation
5. Almost Flat UI
Download/Demo: websymphony.net/almost-flat-ui/
6. Chart.js
Download/Demo: http://www.chartjs.org/
7. PlaceIMG
Download/Demo: http://placeimg.com/
8. jQuery PanZoom
Download/Demo: https://github.com/timmywil/jquery.panzoom/
9. Perfect Scrollbar
Download/Demo: http://noraesae.github.io/perfect-scrollbar/