Tuesday, 11 November 2014


Google has announced version 1.0 of fplutil, a set of small libraries and tools used to develop C and C++ applications for Android. Fplutil comes out of Google's Fun Propulsion Labs, a team devoted to improving gaming on Android and other platforms.

fplutil introduces the following:

  • build_all_android.py, an all-in-one build script that allows you to build (with the Android NDK), install and run native (C/C++) Android apps from the command line. This is ideal for build automation, but is also useful in a developer’s compile/run loop.

  • buildutil performs the configuration, build and archive steps of Android and Linux C/C++ applications using a suite of Python modules. This suite of modules can automate builds in a continuous integration environment. This framework uses legacy tools in the Android Development Toolkit.

  • libfplutil enables C/C++ developers to write traditional applications (like Hello World) using "main()" and "printf()" on Android.

  • android_ndk_perf.py is a desktop tool that enables native (C/C++) developers to measure the CPU utilization of their applications on Android, guiding their optimization efforts.
More information is available here

Source: Android Developers Blog
11 Nov 2014